Minggu, 14 April 2024

Jalan Malioboro & Kawasan Malioboro

8 komentar
APA kabar Sobat PIKIRAN POSITIF? Bagaimana libur Lebaran kalian? Menyala atau redup? Semoga menyala berkobar-kobar, ya.

Ngomong-ngomong, adakah di antara kalian yang berlibur ke Yogyakarta? Terkhusus di Jalan Malioboro dan Kawasan Malioboro? Pasti berjibaku dengan kemacetan 'kan?

Ngomong-ngomong lagi, tahukah kalian kalau Jalan Malioboro dan Kawasan Malioboro itu berbeda? Nah, lho. Ayo, dijawab. Jangan malah bingung dan gantian bertanya, "Apakah keduanya berbeda? Bedanya apa? Di mana letak Jalan Malioboro? Di mana pula letak Kawasan Malioboro?"

Hehe ... Keduanya memang berbeda. Dua hal yang berlainan. Mari simak penjelasanku berikut ini.

Jalan Malioboro adalah jalan yang membentang ke selatan, dimulai dari rel di Stasiun Tugu hingga perempatan Kepatihan (Kantor Gubernur DIY).

Adapun Kawasan Malioboro membentang panjang sejak dari Tugu Pal Putih (Tugu Yogyakarta) hingga ke alun alun. Meliputi Jalan Margo Utomo Jalan Malioboro, dan Jalan Margo Mulyo.

Penyebutan dan penentuan Kawasan Malioboro tersebut cenderung merujuk kepada faktor kebijakan pemerintah. Menunjukkan Area Ring 1 pariwisata DIY.

Nah. Jangan salah paham lagi, ya. Jalan Malioboro itu TIDAK dimulai dari rel Stasiun Tugu sampai Titik Nol, tetapi CUMA sampai perempatan Kantor Gubernur DIY.

Agar lebih jelas, silakan cermati foto-foto berikut. Yang horizontal berlokasi di Kawasan Malioboro. Yang vertikal berlokasi di Jalan Malioboro.

Minggu, 31 Maret 2024

Pasar Ramadan Kauman 2024

1 komentar
HALO, Sobat PIKIRAN POSITIF? Masih berpuasa 'kan? Kalau masih, tentu masih pula bersiap untuk cari takjil.

Ahaiii. Kalau ngomongin takjil dan tinggal di Yogyakarta, terutama area pusat kota, Pasar Ramadan Kauman adalah pilihan tepat untuk berburu rupa-rupa takjil. 

Ada apa saja? Tentu ada kicak Mbah Wana, jadah manten, bubur saren, aneka lauk, dan lain-lain. Sudahlah. Pokoknya datangi saja Pasar Ramadan pionir dan legendaris di Yogyakarta ini. Senyampang belum Lebaran.

Lokasinya mudah dicari, kok. Titik Nol Yogyakarta ke barat. Setelah melewati RS PKU, waspadalah tengok bagian kiri (arah selatan). Kalau tampak ada ramai-ramai, terkhusus buat berswafoto kayak kami, itulah mulut gang pasarnya. 😄😁

Minggu, 24 Maret 2024

Work Life Ibadah Balance

15 komentar
HALO, Sobat Pikiran Positif? Sebelum hari berganti, mari ngomongin hal penting sebentar. Yup! Tentang Gaya Hidup Work Life Ibadah Balance.

Kiranya gaya hidup tersebut sedang menjadi buah bibir. Terkhusus di kalangan  pekerja milenial dan genzy. Mungkin termasuk kalian?

Seingatku, gaya hidup Work Life Ibadah Balance bukanlah hal baru. Orang-orang zaman dulu pun banyak yang telah mempraktikkannya. Namun, entahlah apa sebutannya. Yang jelas intinya sama, yaitu pembagian waktu dengan baik agar hidup berjalan seimbang; bahwa dalam sehari semalam waktu kita harus dipakai untuk keperluan duniawi dan ukhrawi secara proporsional.

Dalam satu hari terdiri atas 24 jam. Nah, waktu yang 24 jam itu mesti dipakai untuk bekerja, beristirahat, melakukan apa saja selain bekerja, dan beribadah; agar tercapai Work Life Ibadah Balance.

Akan tetapi, jangan salah paham. Pengelompokan waktu sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas janganlah dibayangkan bersifat dikotomis; betulan terpisah dalam ruang-ruang tertentu.

Sebab faktanya, saat bekerja pun kita sekaligus bisa melakukan ibadah dalam arti luas. Tentu sejauh pekerjaan itu diniatkan sebagai ibadah hanya untuk-Nya SWT. Iya 'kan?

Kamis, 14 Maret 2024

Features to Prioritize When Selecting Women's Yoga Outfits

25 komentar
Features to Prioritize When Selecting Women's Yoga Outfits

Yoga is considered a very feminine form of working out. That's because there are no heavy gym machine and weights to lift. On the other hand, the benefits are just the same because you get to strengthen your core and achieve the fitness standards like nothing else. 

The only issue is that you've to choose the right clothes that don't stop your movement. You've to wear the yoga sets with top-notch fabric and flexibility, making it convenient to work out. So, if it's your first time purchasing the yoga clothes, we are sharing some features that you've to look out for.

Soft Fabric 

First things first, the first connection of clothes with your body will be through the fabric, so make sure it is comfortable and soft. The fabric shouldn't cause any irritation or rashes because that's going to make your yoga sessions difficult (and even painful). 

The high-end brands like Cosmolle are using breathable and soft fabrics, such as spandex, Lycra, recycled nylon, and polyester. All these fabrics are safe to use on your body and won't hurt you. Even more, all of them are eco-friendly, leading to a safer environment.


Locked Seams

Many women don't focus on this feature whenever they purchase high waisted leggings or top for yoga but it can make a significant difference. For instance, if the seams are open and out, there will be an impact on your comfort level. In addition, they can cause rashes by creating friction with the moisture on your body.

For this reason, it's important to choose clothes with locked seams. The good thing is that Cosmolle has amazing yoga clothes with locked seams. This not only increases the comfort factor but also ensures that your look doesn't seem odd.


High Waist

Purchasing leggings might seem like an easy job but you've to be careful. To begin with, you should try opting for leggings with a high waist design. It doesn't matter if you want thong leggings or regular ones, it is much better to get the one with a higher waist. It will hide your tummy rolls and your bulging belly won't show.

Topping it all, your legs look toned and well-shaped. There will be much-needed slender factor as well. The leggings available at Cosmolle will also increase butt uplift and support. This means that your butt shape will look good. Also, there are no issues related to size, so your skin won't show. 


Wide Straps 

When you go into different yoga poses, you will have to stretch a lot. This means that you need support on the upper body as well, which is why it's better to get a top or support bra with wide straps. The wide straps will ensure that your breast has the support it needs. In addition, the wider straps eliminate the chances of slippage, so there won't be any coverage issues. 

With Cosmolle’s bras, there will be enough width of the shoulder straps. Also, the bras are available in various colors, so you'll have multiple choices. 



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